The energies that were released this week during our Virgo Full Moon have the potential to create powerful new momentum in your life. The image of the erupting volcano corresponds to the Sabian symbol for the Moon at 17° Virgo.
This symbol of eruption represents a powerful infusion of new creative energy, welling up from deep within. It’s a form of recalibration, a release of the past, and a expression of powerful new potential.
Because it’s in the earth sign of Virgo, this energy is connected to the vitality and strength of Nature. You can connect to the potentials by grounding into the wisdom of your body and your deep sense of inner knowing. Release fears of change and trust the expansion of creation.
Virgo/Pisces Theme: Expanding into New Mastery
Every Full Moon brings a new quality of balance and integration through the harmony of the opposite zodiac signs that are activated by the Sun and Moon. This new type of balance is especially significant with the Virgo/Pisces polarity. Both are signs of mastery.
The Knight of Disks represents mastery through the earth element of Virgo. Virgo supports our connection to the vitality and wisdom of nature. It helps us learn about the hidden energies of life so we can ground and integrate them in our bodies and our manifest experience.
The Knight of Cups represents mastery through the water element of Pisces. Pisces helps us open our hearts into our connection to humanity and all of life.
Virgo’s mastery of healthy boundaries enables us to expand into the vastness of the sea of consciousness that is Pisces. Working together, these energies strengthen your ability to manage the big energies of life, so you can move forward beyond all types of limitation into new creation and new opportunity.