The Aries New Moon is always a time for rejuvenation and renewal. Aries is future-oriented. It’s filled with passion, vitality and the inspiration be be a true individual. At the New Moon we each receive an activation of this inspiration to emerge into newness, to explore what it means to be a true individual, to “be” and “become” our true self.
This year’s New Moon energy of renewal is extra-powerful. It aligned directly with the Spring Equinox at 1° Aries, and this created a powerful activation of energies to support Pluto’s movement into Aquarius on March 23rd.
We find ourselves poised in an exciting moment of creation, both for ourselves and our world.
The Emperor is the major arcana card for Aries. This card represents what it means to emerge in the world as a true individual. The symbols here all speak to qualities of personal power, arising from inner authority and the ability to be the true ‘sovereign’ of your own life.
The fiery red colors signify creative passion and vitality. Like the Emperor, you can receive new activations now of courage and optimism, enabling you to burn through old fears and step into new frontiers of creation.
The Queen of Wands is the court card for Aries. She represents the integration of new confidence and courage arising from within. The Queen loves fully without fear. She respects what she has learned from the past but she is no longer bound by it. She is able to temper the intensity of these new energies through inner calm and wise understanding.
The Two of Wands, Dominion, represents the activation of pure creative power, and the ability to hold the vibrant intensity of new creation through inner balance. Another word for this card is “Sovereignty”.
See the rest of the article HERE, including the decription of the New Moon spread.