I’m inspired to connect with you during this potent time of illumination and revelation in our beautiful world.
The veil is lifting. We can feel it. Through the power of expanding frequencies, we’re strengthening our multidimensional abilities. We're seeing through distortion and getting our memories back. The more we trust our hearts the more we access the direct knowledge of who we are, including the hidden history of our world.
The Sphinx and the Great Pyramids of Giza pictured here are known as important planetary holders of these mysteries. The truth of the rich history of our world has been obscured. More and more, however, we are receiving access to these truths. The energies of the Sagittarius Full Moon are activating this connection.
Sagittarius Theme: The Power to Create Your Life
The Art card pictured here represents the Sagittarius Full Moon, and beautifully expresses the spiritual potentials available to us now.
On the Tree of Life, Art (Temperance) represents the most direct path across the Veil. This is where we learn to focus within and leave behind all illusions of limitation. Here we connect directly with the full knowledge of the Universe and our true potential as creators in this world.
This realization of your unlimited potential to create is available to you, here and now.
In practical ways you have access to new perceptions and insights about the true nature of reality. Through the wisdom of your heart you have the strength, inspiration, creativity, and willpower you need to move forward in the direction of your dreams.
See additional Full Moon astrology article:The Vanishing Veil Reveals Forgotten Knowledge: Sagittarius Full Moon.

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