I’m inspired to share some personal reflections related to our recent Libra New Moon and solar eclipse.
As our Sun travels through the final degrees of Libra we’re receiving support to face our challenges however they appear, especially through the qualities of inner perspective, harmony and balance.
Last week’s eclipse activated these potentials. A solar eclipse always illuminates what has been hidden from sight. This is a time to be sensitive to what is being revealed to your awareness, both internally and in the world around you.
Together we’re building our muscles of balance so we can see and feel the fullness of light and dark, including new revelations that we haven’t seen or felt before. The more we are able to witness both the shadow and the light, the more we can expand our ability to hold all of the fullness of the energies of life.
Libra Theme: Expanding thru Harmony with Life
The tarot cards for Libra express the qualities of expanded awareness and inner harmony that are available now.
The Adjustment card (right) represents the higher frequency energies of Libra. This card shows the inner strength and will that is required to come into harmony with your circumstances.
Through this process of following inner knowing (balancing on the point of the sword), you expand into new frontiers of creation.
The Queen of Swords (center) represents expanded perspective.
The Queen’s big-picture awareness comes from her willingness to be fully authentic and fully present through the wisdom of her heart. She holds nothing back. She is able to see through illusion and transcend limiting beliefs and fears.
The Four of Swords, Truce (left) represents the ability to come into balance with your circumstances through heart-centered awareness. The word ‘truce’ refers to the dynamic process of releasing attachment to outcome, while still show up fully and living from what inspires you.
Becoming the Artist of Your Life
Knowing the current potentials for both revelation and challenge, especially through shadow activations, I asked how we could best connect with the energies of harmony and balance that are available to us now.
The following spread is both practical and inspiring.