I’m happy to connect with you to share reflections related to the energies of the zodiac polarity between Sagittarius and Gemini. The Gemini Full Moon on November 27 activated these energies, which are always available to us.
As the Sun travels through Sagittarius we’re receiving direct access to new abilities to heal through inner wisdom, and create the life we desire. This power to create comes from our ability to live within the stillness of our hearts, so we can make clear decisions that reach beyond what we have known in the past.
This beautiful image of the barred owl represents these current qualities of inner knowing, including stillness, clarity, intuition, and the ability to move effortlessly through the dark as well as the light. These energies of inner wisdom are available now to help you stay present and transcend all types of difficulty, so you can take actions that rise from the clarity and stillness that reside within your heart.
Sagittarius - Gemini Polarity: Practical Steps
These tarot cards for Sagittarius and Gemini beautifully express the power of these complementary powers, and the qualities of consciousness that are available to you now.
The Art card (left) represents Sagittarius. The images here express your ability to participate fully in life, by showing up to the intensity of your experiences, working with all forms of contrast, in order to heal and grow your light.
The alternate name for this card is Temperance. “Tempering” refers to the ability to transmute intensity into higher states of being, turning shadow into light through focus and the guidance of spirit. We call this process alchemy.
The Lovers (right) represents Gemini. The images here express your ability to experience wholeness through the healing of all perceptions of division and separation. The officiant in the marriage ceremony is your own spirit. The figures stand in a cathedral of swords, representing higher truth through the loving power of spirit and source. By moving your awareness into your heart, you are able to heal the illusions of separation that are held in the mind.
Through this complementary polarity, we learn to work creatively with all types of contrast, to explore, learn and discover through experience. This practical energy of Gemini supports the Sagittarius pursuit of wisdom, and helps us stay grounded in the circumstances of daily life as we heal and transform.
Reaching Beyond
The current energies support us in moving beyond all forms of limitation. We are expanding our awareness of who we are. We are remembering our light and our capacity to create.
The zodiac energies that the Sun activates in Sagittarius are truly beautiful. Each moment holds the potential for healing and new creation. I invite you in this moment to take a breath. Imagine that your heart is breathing. With your next breath command your spirit to take all the thoughts from your head and drop them into your heart. As you breathe, continue to feel your breath expand the light within you.
You hold the power to transmute the intensity of the present moment. The more you’re able to pause, breathe, and bring your awareness back to your heart, the more you will be able to slow down until you can access neutrality. Pay attention in the moment. Let go of the past, and hold curiosity for what the next step may be.
In this way you can expand your ability to experience your power to create within each moment of life.