Although the year of the Yang Wood Dragon doesn’t officially begin until February 10, we’re already feeling the energies of change as our new year unfolds.
Dragon years happen in a cycle of 12. They always signify a period of transformation. The last Dragon year happened in 2012, which definitely marked a time of transformation in our world.
Dragon years bring energies that are larger than life. They invite us to go beyond the familiar past, and show up to the unknown with optimism and courage. And they teach us how, when we face our challenges without fear, we can learn to fly.
The tarot card shown here is the Two of Wands, Possibilities, from the Osho deck. The Two of Wands represents an intense quality of inner balance and dominion through the creative power of our spirits.
The Two of Wands reminds us that when we live fully from the creative power of our Spirits, as shown here, we are no longer ‘earth bound’. We no longer need to feel trapped within densities of the past and experiences of struggle, limitation and lack. This is a time to feel inspired with the opportunity for flight and new visions of possibility.
Learning to fly is not for the faint of heart. It is, however, what we are designed to do.
The symbol of flight represents transcendence. I like to think of the eagle and condor, shown in this card, as our practical daily-life dragons. They help us learn how to rise beyond our perceptions of limitation, so we can soar to new heights of possibility.
These opportunities for new possibility are available to you now.
Tools for Flight: Aquarian Tarot for 2024
If you feel inspired to tap into this year’s energies of new creation, I invite you join me for the upcoming Aquarian Age Tarot workshops, held in Seattle on January 21 and 28.
I’m incredibly inspired about these days, and the energies of new creation to which we’ll have access.
The unique Aquarian approach to tarot will strengthen your intuition and provide ease and focus for new momentum. You’ll learn how to use the cards to dialogue with your guidance system, clarify decisions and illuminate next steps. This is truly future-oriented work, both practical and inspiring.
Dragon years are all about team work and collaboration. Join us for one or both of these exciting days, and launch your year within an inspired group of like-minded creators. You’ll leave with new tools for flight, fueled by optimism, clarity and joy-filled purpose.
Aquarian Tarot Workshop: Accelerate Your Path to New Creation
New Frontiers of Creation
The coming Dragon year promises energies that are larger than life. May we help each other move forward with optimism and courage. And together, as we face our challenges without fear, we WILL learn to fly.
These new heights of possibility are my intentions for us all, as we expand our visions and strengthen our confidence in our true Selves as powerful creators.
Through all of the upcoming adventures, may you receive the support and the inspiration you need to leave the limits of the past, as we expand together into the frontiers of new creation.
It’s time to fly!
PS – I’ll be writing more about the Dragon Year in the days to come. I’m very much looking forward to sharing the journey with you!
- Upcoming Workshops: If you’re interested in tarot events but unavailable on these dates, let me know and you’ll receive early notice when the next classes post.
- Personal Energy Sessions: I’m inspired to connect with you one-on-one to support your unique path forward. Sessions are currently available through March. You can schedule HERE.