Greetings Friends,
Today the Sun rose in the spectacular energies of Taurus, which are activating new qualities of well being, power and strength. In Taurus we connect deeply into new capacities for healing and vitality, especially through the strength of our bodies and the light of Love that is held within all of Nature.
As we enter these new zodiac energies, I’m inspired to reflect on the creative energies we are bringing forward from our recent trip through Aries. By integrating lessons of the recent past we can more fully experience today’s shift into new potential.
Lessons from Aries: The Courage to be Your True Self
As the Sun makes her annual journey through each zodiac sign she activates new qualities of consciousness that are available to us all.
Aries energy holds the inspiration to be a true individual. It brings qualities of courage, fearlessness, originality, adventure and the inspiration to explore new avenues of creation. The major arcana cards pictured here beautifully express these qualities of personal authority and the fiery inspiration to be a true individual.
The Emperor (left) represents the strong authority of personal power. The symbols here show your ability to claim sovereignty in the earth realm, through commitment to Spirit (the shield and the lamb) and the right use of power (the scepter, earth orb and crown).
The Rebel (right) also expresses these qualities of courage and personal authority. He is a true individual (dressed in many colors) and carries the Ace of Wands, representing his creative connection to spirit and Source. The chains of past limitations are broken. He is free.
The Rebel forms a beautiful complement to the Emperor, reminding us that the authority of our full creative power is always held in the freedom of the present moment. Healthy authority rests within in each person and is never imposed.
The shadow of Aries’ power is the quality of force. ‘Force’ in Aries can be expressed in two ways: either by giving away our personal authority through fear, or by assuming authority over others through aggression. These powerful shadows of fear through submission and aggression permeate every aspect of our lives. They exist internally, within our daily moment-to-moment actions, as well as the systems and expectations of our culture-at-large.
The Sun’s recent journey through Aries has illuminated both shadow and light, so you can clearly choose your own path of freedom. These beautiful archetypes of authority are alive within you now. This is a wonderful time to reflect on your ability to claim your freedom and the inspiration to be a true individual.
Read the full article, including tarot spreads, HERE.