Aquarian Age Tarot
Lifestyle • Spirituality/Belief • Preparedness
Walking the Beauty Way: Sun in Taurus (Part 2)
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I’m happy to connect with you on this beautiful spring day as we and all of nature receive an infusion of vibrant beauty and love.

This month of Taurus is one of my favorite times of the year. The earthy energies of Taurus connect us to the healing energies of nature, especially inner strength, freedom and the deep vitality of love. While the Sun is in Taurus (now through May 21) we can more easily receive these energies and feel them within our own bodies.

In the spring I’m inspired to work with the Sun each day to help me more fully connect to the healing power of nature. I’m happy to share with you here some of my personal reflections in the hope that they will inspire you, too, to receive the healing power of love that’s available to us now. 


Sun in Taurus: The Healing Power of Beauty and Love


The Queen of Disks in the Osho tarot beautifully expresses the qualities of beauty and love that are available to us now. 

The Queen represents your ability to live in abundant well being, shown by the rich colors of nature and luxurious flowering of life. She is dressed in green and wears a necklace with the symbol of Venus over her heart, symbolizing the power of the heart, and the strength to live from the beauty of what we value.

Venus rules Taurus, representing the Love of the light that is held within all of nature. This love associated with Venus is embodied, strong and real. This is not emotional or superficial love. This is the truth of the Love that flows from Source, gives birth to all of life, which then becomes expressed through all of the beautiful forms of the material world.

With the Sun in Taurus you can connect directly to this healing power of Love. Like the “Flowering” of the Queen of Disks, the Sun’s light will help you connect to  the inner strength of your heart, so you can trust your inner truth, and your ability to experience freedom, health and loving relationships.

What would it mean today to connect to the light within the beauty of nature, and open your heart to receive the healing power of love?


Navigating the Density of Form and Trusting in the Light


The elemental earth energies of Taurus enable us to experience our inner power by increasing the amount of light we are able to hold within our bodies. This is experienced from our hearts as inner knowing.

The Six of Disks, Success (left) pictures this quality of inner knowing from your heart. The success referred to here is an inner process of trusting what you know to be true before you ever see it appear in physical form.

This card reminds us that creation in the physical world always happens in our consciousness first. You can strengthen your ability to trust through the positive qualities of Taurus which include: living in the present moment, feeling the qualities of freedom and personal truth that you hold within, and letting go of attachments to the past.  

The Six of Disks, Compromise (right) reminds us how we limit our ability to create when we are impatient or feel we have adjust our inspiration by conforming to circumstances, fears or limiting beliefs about what is possible. The compromise card reminds you to not to limit what inspires you. Just as seeds beneath the earth need time to grow, you’re reminded to be patient and allow the processes of life to nurture new creation. 


Slow Down to Go Fast

The phrase “Slow Down to Go Fast” has become one of my personal favorite daily mantras. Although at first this statement may appear to be an oxymoron, it actually expresses a deep truth. 

The urgency of time is an illusion. The more we slow down, the more we are able to move into our hearts and experience the spaciousness of the present moment. This is where true creation happens. This principle of slowing down is an important part of earth energy, shown here the Prince of Disks, which is the traditional court card for Taurus.

The Prince of Disks, Slowing Down, reminds you of the strength, wisdom and vitality that is held within the present moment. The more you slow down, the more you’re able to enter into this spaciousness, which exists outside of time. 

In this image the turtle moves slowly and surely, trusting in the blessings that are present, shown by the rainbow of light, which both surrounds him and is mirrored within his own body. When we live in the present moment, like the wise turtle, there is no need for urgency. The present holds all we need. There is no past or future. There is only the eternal now, filled with unlimited potential and creative possibility.  


Walking the Beauty Way

I woke in the morning a few days ago and looked out my front window to see this fragile carpet of cherry blossoms blanketing the ground with their miraculous color.

I took this picture to remind myself of the power of choosing to see the Beauty in each moment. What the image doesn’t capture is the way that the blossoms are falling around me like snow. This experience for me perfectly expresses the principles of the Beauty Way that I’ve been pondering this spring.

The Navajo people are associated with the tradition of the Beauty Way, which is expressed in many different versions of the “Blessing Way Prayer,” including this excerpt from the Anasazi museum at Chaco Canyon.

In beauty may I walk.

All day long may I walk.

Through the returning seasons may I walk.

On the trail marked with pollen may I walk.

With grasshoppers about my feet may I walk.

With dew about my feet may I walk.

With Beauty may I walk.

With Beauty before me may I walk.

With Beauty behind me may I walk.

With Beauty above me may I walk.

With Beauty beneath my feet may I walk.

With Beauty all around me may I walk.

All is completed in Beauty.

We are reminded here that Beauty is held in the moment. In the precious eternal now. Each moment holds the beauty of the creation that surrounds us as well as the precious nature of each breath of life. The more we are able to release our focus on the past and the future, the more we can open our hearts to the precious healing power of Love.

May your days be filled with Beauty. Step by precious step. 

Much Love,

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Greeting Friends,
I hope you enjoy this article on the astrology of our Sun's current journey through Gemini. Gemini energy enables us to expand our awareness, especially when we learn to connect to the knowledge centers within our hearts.
PS - I'll be in touch again soon with a tarot message for Gemini.

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Sun in Leo: The Courage to Claim Your Light

I look forward every year to the summer Sun’s journey through Leo. I use this as a time to recharge my batteries, amplify my inspiration, and burn through old habits and patterns of resistance and fear.

Leo energy has a direct connection to the Sun, which is why it’s often called the most powerful zodiac sign. Leo’s solar energy is filled with passion and vitality. It offers us the ability to live life to the fullest and burn through all types of resistance, fatigue, confusion and limiting perceptions of who we are. 

Leo requires us to be fully present. Because of its creative power, Leo energy can hold a strong shadow. Leo’s shadow can be active whenever we’re holding on to the past in any way, whether through fear of letting go, or feelings of resistance, frustration, anger or misplaced responsibility. In all these ways the intensity of Leo’s fiery energies can easily lead to stress and overwhelm.

Because the Sun is activating these energies now, this is a great time to work with any of these patterns that you are noticing are active in yourself. By connecting with the Sun’s light you can receive your own infusions of vitality and courage. You’ll find the inner strength you need to face any challenge in your life with optimism, inspiration and courage.


Sun In Leo: Inspired Courage

When the Sun is in Leo we have a unique opportunity to connect more fully to our own powers of inner radiance. In astrology Leo is ruled by the Sun, meaning that it holds a very unique quality of solar power and light.

The Major Arcana tarot cards for Leo shown below express the personal qualities that the Sun is activating for you now as it journeys through these energies.

The Osho card for Leo is called Courage. The image here shows the inner strength required to grow as an individual and express your unique beauty and creative powers. The light radiating from the flower shows the radiance of the light that we each radiate when we show up fully to our circumstances from the power of our hearts.  

True courage requires the willingness to be true to yourself. In order to germinate, a seed must shatter its protective coat and expand as a vulnerable shoot into new territory.  

Growing from a seed to a blooming flower can be an arduous journey. Every step of the way requires the willingness to face a new challenge in order to grow and flourish. We are all learning to bloom where we are planted.

The Lust card also represents Leo and beautifully expresses the transforming power of the inner flame of your creative Spirit. In traditional decks this card is known as “Strength.” The word Lust is short for “Luster”, referring to the powerful golden radiance of your inner light.
The figures in the card remind us of the story of Beauty and the Beast. As Beauty faces her fears, represented by the shadowy figures around her, she and the lion (her inner strength) transform into fiery gold. Together they heal and prepare to emerge in all their glory from the shadows of the past.

Above all else, Leo is about letting your light shine.
This is a time to hold nothing back. As you nourish the fire and vitality of your inner flame, you give yourself permission to fully express, without reserve, your unique individuality and creative power. In this way you can face your fears, rise above them with love, and live fully in the vitality of the present moment.

Creative Potential: Totality vs. Stress

As I write this message the Sun is transiting 23 Leo, which holds the beautiful archetype shown here of a daring circus performer. The text for this archetype is “In a circus, the bareback rider displays her dangerous skill.” 
Imagine yourself as the bareback rider. You are using all of your tools, body, mind, and spirit, to rise to the occasion and face your challenges with audacious courage, exhilaration and grace. Your horse represents your connection to your vast depths of inner power and spiritual support.
This expression of pure creativity and virtuosity represents what happens when we live from our inspiration. Leo’s fire gives us the courage to risk being a complete individual, our innate brilliance on display for all to see.
This reminds us that when we show up in totality, life can be filled with adventure and fun. The more we are willing to be fully available, to take risks, and to display our brilliance, the more we will inspire others to their own feats of courage.
Our challenges may seem insurmountable, however, our spirits have access to infinite creative powers. 

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Moving from Chaos to Order, Part II: The Tower and the Fool

I hope this message finds you well and that you are taking time to play and relax during these spacious days of summer. In the midst of our busy lives it’s important to find ways to nourish and restore body and spirit.

We are all continually learning to navigate our way from the turmoil of change to the calm of inner peace. Since writing last week’s post about Moving from Chaos to Order, I’ve been reflecting on the dynamic between the power of storms (the messiness and discomfort of life), and the way our spirits love adventure.

The more I explore my spirit’s love of spontaneity the less I am distracted by uncertainty. This allows for more synchronicities to appear, and encourages me to keep moving within and tapping into my natural sense of adventure and play.
The frequencies of change are everywhere, requiring us all to build new muscles to navigate the unknown. I’m inspired today to share some experiences and insights related to my own personal practices, including my connection to the tarot.  I find these universal teachings to be immensely valuable in my own ongoing process of awakening.


The Adventure of Change: The Tower and the Fool


Shown here is one of my favorite combinations in the tarot. Many of you know how much I love exploring the connections between astrology and tarot. I find that the archetypes in the cards beautifully express the ways we can find practical support through the energies of the planets and the zodiac. 
The two cards pictured here from the Osho deck, Thunderbolt (trad. ‘The Tower’) and the Fool, represent the planets of Mars and Uranus, which were conjunct a few days ago. 
Since both planets are powerful catalysts for change, when they come together the potentials for change are magnified. We’re in one such period of amplified change now.
Pervasive change IS happening. The important question is: How we will each respond? There are teachings held within these cards that can help us when we encounter unexpected challenges in our circumstance. As we learn here, the secret is always to move from mind to heart where our spirits reside. This is the journey from chaos to order. 


The Tower(pictured here as Thunderboltfrom the Osho deck) represents the creative consciousness of change. The lightning bolts represent new infusions of awareness, jolts of clarity and high-frequency charge that clear density and expand your connection to the light. 

Lightning also represents the intensity and shock of unexpected change. This isn’t necessarily a comfortable experience! The figures falling through space represent a kind of shattering and dismantling of what you have known or thought to be true. 

A Tower experience can happen externally as well as within, dismantling circumstances as well as beliefs, and even attachments to our own identity. This is all part of the process we call ascension and awakening.

The more you are able to receive these expansive energies of awakening and remain balanced in your heart, the more you can allow the Tower experience to clear the past. This quality of inner balance is represented by the flames within the chakras that are fueling the fire of your consciousness.


The Fool is a beautiful companion to the Tower.

The Fool represents your ability to live within the total freedom and unlimited potential that is held within the present moment. In this image, the Fool steps off the edge of the known world. This is a continual process. Step by step, moment by moment he is leaving the past behind, moving with open arms into the unknown.

The Fool’s clothing shows that he is guided from within. He wears green, representing the wisdom of living from his heart. His multicolored vest represents the four elements, showing his balance with nature. His open arms are white like wings, showing his connection to the guidance of his spirit. Red boots show his courage and the ability to choose each step with intention.

From the outside the Fool may appear foolhardy, even ridiculous. In the Taoist sense, however, the Fool is the master. He is the one who continually releases the past in order to be available to whatever is present in the moment. New adventures await. This is why the Fool is the number 0 in the deck, holding all of the potentials of the remaining 77 cards. 

When combined together, the Tower and the Fool represent unlimited potentials for transformation, and your ability to break free from all types of limitation. This is why I love working with this pair of cards!

The energies of these cards together are exciting and filled with creativity. They remind you of your ability to transcend uncertainty and fear of change by going within. Here you can experience the exhilaration of adventure that is held within each moment.

Breakthrough & Success: Spirit Always finds a Way

The more we learn to live from our hearts in the present moment, the more we experience our power to create. This image of a tree growing through cement and up the pole of a stop sign reminds us of our ability to reach for solutions beyond what we have been taught to believe is possible. 
We are powerful creators, more than we can even imagine. When we connect with our spirits in the present moment, we transcend what we have believed in the past.

Read the rest of this article HERE.

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Sun in Cancer: Moving from Chaos to Order

I’m inspired to connect today with a message of practical optimism during this time of enormous contrast and change.  We must all deal with these energies of change. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the intensity, and thrown off balance by frequencies of confusion, uncertainty, turmoil and fear.  

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the intensity of turmoil.
In order to connect with the positive opportunities that are available to us all it’s necessary to stay centered, connected and balanced within. I’m hoping that today’s message will provide some tangible touchstones for your own path of balance and inspired new creation.

Sun in Cancer: Finding Stability Within

The Sun activates the zodiac with high frequency consciousness and brings these energies alive. The tarot images shown here are the major arcana cards for Cancer, where the Sun currently resides. These cards beautifully express the qualities of inner stability, knowingness and connection to spirit that the Sun is making available to you now.
The Chariot (left) shows a warrior clothed in golden armor. The warrior represents you, receiving the protection and support of your Spirit’s light (gold) to help you stay balanced and stable during all types of movement and change.
In this image the principle of  stability during change is shown by the warrior sitting in the lotus position (focused within). He is holding the spinning wheel of fortune, which represents the infinite potentials of creation that are available in each moment.

The four pillars of the warrior’s chariot, pulled by four guardians, signify the balance and support of the four elements of nature that give us life.  The word ‘chariot’ is another name for your merkaba, which is the structure of light that houses and animates your body.

Altogether this card speaks of the importance of living from the power and light that resides within your heart. The warrior shows that when you are connected within to the light of your spirit you are able to remain fully present, flexible and secure. No matter what happens you can hold the intensity of all creative potentials, while remaining stable, safe and strong.
Awareness (right) is the card for Cancer from the Osho tarot. This image beautifully expresses the principle of the eternal presence of spirit that resides within. This inner spirit is the real ‘you.’ The image shows how the light of your Spirit is always present, and available as soon as you place your attention there in your heart.

This presence of your spirit is your true source of stability, especially during times of imbalance, change or confusion. The more you are able to live from inner awareness and the knowing of your Spirit, the more you can be fully present to your circumstances, while remaining balanced and centered within.

This is the true meaning of alchemy, and how we turn into gold.


Moving from Chaos to Order

The process of moving from chaos to order is a natural part of life. Each of us is always in some form of growth, some process of change.  The secret of moving from chaos to order – returning to balance no matter what the circumstance – is to build the habit of going within.

Like the eye of the hurricane, and the still point at the center of an old-fashioned merry-go-round, the more you get to center, the more quiet and still you become. In contrast, like the tumultuous clouds, the more we look outside of ourselves for stability the more we become caught in the swirling energies of the storm.
It only takes one breath to return within. Take a breath now. As you breathe move your awareness in your heart. Imagine your heart is breathing, and feel your awareness come back into your body. The more you are able to live from this awareness in your heart the more you move from the storm of turmoil into the quiet peace energy of Source.
This shift from mind to heart is what creates the golden armor of the warrior, strengthening your auric field so you can stay resilient and strong. The more you practice this shift the stronger and more stable you will become.

Techniques for Making the Shift

Read the rest of the article HERE. 

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